
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day Eleven

I'm at work on a break and I have 7 minutes to write this post.

Names are important. At my new job, one of the physiotherapists calls me "Jamie." The harder she tries to focus on calling me "Suzy" the more she calls me "Jamie." It's cute, actually. We laugh and laugh about it every time she does it.

There's a new guy at Starbucks today who I hadn't met yet. I introduced myself to him and he told me his name is Mike! I gave him my order and upon walking away to get my drink I called out, "nice to meet you, Justin!" No idea where I got the name Justin from. Sometimes I wonder what's lurking around the the dark recesses of my brain. I seem to randomly pull things out of there like when I accidentally snag seaweed during fishing.

Our names are one of the first things that people take in when they meet us. There's eye contact, a handshake, and an introduction to names. They have meaning and significance. They pave the way for the next level of interaction. You get the name wrong, and all of a sudden it's a traffic jam and you've got smoke under the hood.

Anyway, back to work. I've got a pumpkin scone with "Jamie" written all over it.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!! That is awesome. There was a guy once who kept calling me "Ginger". I would correct him, and he would look at me blankly and repeat "Ginger". I stopped talking to him.
