
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Woozy Wednesdays

A lot of normal, well-adjusted-to-society bloggers have weekday themes such as "Wordless Wednesdays" where they post photographs of trees or their kid's Lego creations. Or they publish "What They Ate Wednesdays" where they list what they ate for each meal alongside photos of perfectly broiled whitefish and collard greens sauteed in tree bark juice. It's like a car wreck; I simply have to stare. But, I'm Suzy, and because I take shitty photos and have a crappier diet than the average 16 year-old male, I decided to come up with my own weekday themes.

Wednesdays, on The Runs, are now known as "Woozy Wednesdays." On Woozy Wednesdays I write about alcohol. Maybe it's a review of a new red wine we tasted, or it could be a memory we had from high school (remind me to tell you about the Sambuca story at Gary's house). Or it could be a recommendation of a good pub, or a certain beer that goes with a favourite meal. Anything and everything to do with alcohol will be written about on Wednesdays.

Excited? Me too.

I didn't grow up with alcohol and so I was never educated about it. At all. I didn't know how much to drink (or not drink) or why dark beer is dark or why white wine needs to be cold or that Vodka isn't supposed to be chugged straight from the bottle like a Corona. I learned about it all much later in life and, with a few bumps and bruises (and pregnancies), I've grown a healthy respect for the drink. Just like everything, it needs to be enjoyed in moderation. And when it isn't, then I will write about it, right here.

Anyone have any input for Thursdays? So far, all I have are "Thoughtful" and "Throbbing."

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Fantastic idea for Wednesday, so I can gear up for my weekend drinking. Also, loving the Throbbing Thursday, but, um, what would you talk about? ;)
