
Monday, December 8, 2014

Mileage Monday

Seattle Marathon: Andrew's Race Recap

Race weekend was freezing. We got to our hotel on the Saturday and couldn't even really walk around with Callum because it was too cold. There was another marathon that morning and those runners had to run through a blizzard, freezing rain and gale winds. By Saturday night it had cleared up but the temps were still frigid. Luckily we were able to stay warm in our hotel where Andrew got to meet Robbie Keane from the LA Galaxy!

We bundled up on race day morning and headed to the start line. Andrew was nervous, but so ready to get it done.

Callum and I navigated around the city and somehow lucked out enough to catch Andrew a few times along the course. Here he is at around 8 miles. He already had a huge blister on the bottom of his feet!


We caught him again at mile 12 and then again at the bottom of the huge hill at mile 21. He looked strong every time I saw him and was on pace to finish in his goal time of around 4:30. Here he is coming into the stadium at the finish line...

And then I snatched this photo proof from the marathon photographers of him crossing the line. I love the emotion on his face.

The marathon has a way of peeling back our layers, the walls that we put up to trick everyone (mostly ourselves) into thinking we're strong. And then we enter the marathon and all of a sudden our false sense of strength and security melt away and we're left with the core of who we are. That's what crosses the finish line: that part of us that holds strong through the most trying of times. The part that makes it through sick kids and sleepless nights. The part that survives divorce and the death of a loved one. The part that picks up litter and puts it in the trash can when nobody else is watching. That's who crosses the finish line of a marathon. People who are strong enough to be humbled.

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