
Monday, March 4, 2013


I had this super cool idea of sharing my notes from my iPhone with you! I'm always using my notes app, and it's always so raw and transparent, and I really think you guys could, I don't know... find it amusing? Or learn something from it? Or just relate to me somehow. Relatability is priceless, I know from personal experience. Okay, so here goes...

This note is from August 3, 2012 and it's a quote I LOVE from Jenn Shelton (who I love even more than the quote):

"I never really discussed this with anyone because it sounds pretentious but I started ultra-running to become a better person. I thought if you could run 100 miles you'd be in this zen state...you'd be the fucking Buddha...bringing peace and a smile to the world. It didn't work in my case. I'm the same old punkass as before. But there's always that hope that it will turn you into the person you want to be: a better, more peaceful person.

When I'm out on a long run the only thing that matters is finishing the run. For once my brain isn't going "blah blah" all the time. Everything quiets down and the only thing going on is pure flow. It's just me and the movement and the motion. That's what I love. Just being a barbarian, running through the woods." -Jenn Shelton

I could so relate to every word she says in that quote. I get it. I know ultra-running doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but it makes sense to me. When my brain isn't as "blah-blah" then I don't run as much. And when it is, then I do. *shrug*

If you think these notes were lame, just wait until I post my Costco list.


  1. You and Jenn are twinsies. Totally.

    Please post your Costco list. I'm sure I can relate to that more than ultra running. ;)

  2. mmhmmm...I'm no ultra runner, but I have those times when I feel like I shouldn't stop until everything inside me is "quiet". That's when 4 milers turn into 9 milers.

  3. I love that quote, it's beyond true. I don't run ultras (yet?), but I can still relate to this.

    And as for using the notes App on my Iphone, I think someone would certify me as insane if they read it. Quotes, lyrics, shopping lists, things to remember, funny things I see.

  4. you know I always thought you were a bit like Ms. Shelton.
