
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I used to be known for the hate-on that I had for broccoli although I must admit that it was more of a rebellious hate like the way I hated skirts and hair curlers and the colour pink. Broccoli is "the right thing to do" if you want to be healthy just as wearing pink is the "right thing to do" if you have girl parts.

My aunty Sharon comes into the physio clinic every week when I'm there and I love seeing her name on the day sheets. Her voice and her smile are clean and right and she always has this perfumey smell that I remember from when I was little and these things about her comfort me like a familiar blanket.

She tilted her head and looked straight into me this morning and asked, "how are you doing today, Sue?" and yet she already knew I was having a rough go. I shared my struggles with her, I told her about my heartaches and my tough decisions about life and love and she nodded in agreement and affirmed that she believed that I am able to make the right decisions about it all. I told her that sometimes life is like broccoli. That some choices we make are really quite unpleasant and not in the least bit satisfying or enjoyable but that at some level we are able to acknowledge the fact that choking down the damn broccoli is sometimes just the right thing to do.

We don't understand it all now, but we will one day. Broccoli fuels our cells and gives them life and allows them to breathe.

Wicked gas is just a bonus.


  1. ok, I love this very much. But you ended with the wicked gas and now I am laughing remembering your "raw food" thing where you ate like a whole head of broccoli and then thought you were going to die. Seriously crying I am laughing so hard.
    But that first part? Beautiful.

    1. Yeah, I remember that too. I thought my insides were imploding and I ended up at the clinic to get an anti-nauseant shot in my bum.
