What do you do with your anger? I grew up with the ideology that righteous anger is "godly" and that we are allowed to be angry as long as we communicate it to God and then trust in Him to deal with it justly. The last time I checked, the G to the Oh Dee didn't look too kindly upon malicious payback involving back-alley ninja moves and ex-lax brownies. So I guess what He would want us to do is prrrrretty much nothing. And when I say nothing, I mean, we have to let go of our anger somehow in the hopes that something bigger than ourselves will make Karma our bitch, and we can just sit back and watch the curtain rise.
I can see where that idea might work for some people and maybe it IS part of the equation but I'm not too fond of the passive approach to anything; I'd much rather be proactive, bouncing around in my cheer-leading outfit, simultaneously ticking things off my to-do list and eating chocolate-covered coffee beans. So when it comes to feeling angry, my goal is to let go of it without unhealthily stuffing it. Shoving down unwanted thoughts and feelings only serves to feed a monster, and that monster, let me tell you, isn't the Sesame Street kind.
We all have choices. We all have our "fork in the road" moments, don't we? Some of them are life-defining and some of them are small but we can't neglect the fact that we are in charge of our lives. We feel angry, and we lament in anguished voices, "It's NOT FAIR!" and then what? Do we call those people out who hurt us? Or do we let God or Karma deal? For so long I have believed that taking the high road involves silence, but what about when someone breaks the law? Does authority let Karma deal with thieves and murderers or do they beat their asses to an unrecognizable pulp?
I'm not saying that violence or diarrhea brownies are the answer, and neither do I actually have an answer. All I know for sure is that sometimes life isn't fair and most of the time people hurt people and always, always, we need to deal because if we don't then it grows into something self-destructive. It's just how to deal, is what I struggle with.
Brownies are a good start, though.
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